Webinar: FAA Part 107 Tips and Tricks: How to Become a Certified Drone Pilot


You’re invited to watch our newest on-demand webinar!

“It’s too complicated for me.” 

“I don’t know where to start!” 

“Drones are illegal, aren’t they?” 

“How will I know where to fly?” 

These are the things we hear all the time when talking to worksites that haven’t yet started up a drone program of their own. 

We get it. Becoming a certified drone pilot seems like a time-consuming task, especially for construction surveyors who are already overburdened with a million other responsibilities. But, in reality, it’s a means to a much more efficient end. 

In this session, we’ll describe our past Part 107 experiences, walk you through our mistakes and successes, and even leave you with a handy study guide.

During this webinar, you’ll learn:

- What it takes to become a drone pilot (think time investment and certifications)

- The ins and outs of the FAA Part 107 process

- How to study for the Part 107

- Where we’ve seen test takers go wrong in the past

- Why starting up a drone program is worth your while and more...

Watch now!

Hosted by:

Michael Scott

Regional Sales Manager at Propeller Aero

Zephyr McIntyre

Customer Success Engineer at Propeller Aero