Free eBook: Earthwork Progress Tracking with Drone Data

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The future of progress tracking starts with drones

As civil and engineering industries continue to digitize, one thing has become blatantly obvious: More topos = smarter work. The more visibility into your worksite, the more you know about how much material was moved from where and during what period, the easier it is for you to track progress and set up field teams for success.   

In this ebook, we not only dig into how drones are revolutionizing progress tracking workflows, but also take a look at some of the data obstacles currently facing earthwork operations across industries. 

Here are some of the items we cover:

  • The state of earthwork progress tracking today
  • How drones make the difference
  • What should you look for in progress tracking software?
  • How smart progress tracking helps your construction projects
  • Progress tracking for mines and quarries
  • Progress tracking in waste management
  • The future of progress tracking

Want to learn more about progress tracking with drone data?

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